The Something AMazing Blog

Annie Mazmanian Annie Mazmanian

Navigating Support: Understanding the Differences Between Therapists, Life Coaches, and Counsellors

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and personal development is an admirable endeavor, and seeking support along the way is a wise decision. However, in a landscape populated by diverse professionals, each offering a unique set of skills and perspectives, it becomes imperative to discern the differences between therapists, life coaches, and counselors. Let's delve into the nuances that distinguish these guiding figures on the path to personal growth.

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Awaken Annie Mazmanian Awaken Annie Mazmanian

The Expert Not So Much

We have doubts about ourselves - that we aren't smart enough, strong enough, or good enough to do what we genuinely want to do which is to achieve a higher purpose in life or to succeed in life. I personally want to make a difference in this world. Those who know me well, know that I am a strong advocate for the mental health and wellbeing of frontline workers. I have read an endless amount of self-help books on topics such as this one and self-efficacy, purpose anxiety, mental health, bravery, taming your inner gremlins, and many many more.

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Annie Mazmanian Annie Mazmanian

Embrace the Past

There is a past version of you that is so proud of how far you have come.

We're always talking about how we should "be present" and live in the moment. We punish ourselves for looking back or forward, thinking that we shouldn't gaze too far ahead or be concerned about what's to come, and that we shouldn't get too caught up in events that have already occurred. We want to concentrate on being the best people we can be right now. We frequently forget, though, that it is possible to look back on our history with love, not wallowing in it, but appreciating it.

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Awaken Annie Mazmanian Awaken Annie Mazmanian

What do you answer?

What do you say when someone asks you, "How are you?"

Do you pause to assess your own condition before responding

Or do you default to one of the well-known "excellent, OK, OK" phrases?

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Awaken Annie Mazmanian Awaken Annie Mazmanian

Celebrate Failure

Fear of failure is the number one killer of large goals and good ideas, killing them faster than a lack of knowledge or experience or a lack of a clear strategy or action plan. Individuals' biggest impediment to success is paralysis created by the dread of failing. Most of us are taught from a young age that failing is bad, even disgraceful. We learn to conceal our failings, to find explanations for them, or to disregard them. Worse, we begin to avoid taking chances.

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Annie Mazmanian Annie Mazmanian

Running From Your Stories

The Science Behind Self-Doubt

I have been dealing with some serious self-doubt lately. Which really had me thinking about the stories we tell ourselves. You know, the stories in our heads? The stories that we can only hear? Well here is what I cam up with while doing my research. It might require strength to let go of some mental scenarios, even if they cause heartache and pain. However, our readiness to do so will be proportional to our sense of freedom and comfort.

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Awaken Annie Mazmanian Awaken Annie Mazmanian

Well I Did It!

However, during the Co-Active training, I had my own “A-HA” moment! I realized that I could actually be a Wellness Life Coach and help individuals like myself. I fell in love with it right away. I was able to bring my professional skills to the table and felt confident that I could truly assist those in need.

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Awaken Annie Mazmanian Awaken Annie Mazmanian

The Expert or The Survivor

Who would be better to teach about mental health awareness to nurses? Me or a conventional expert? I am a survivor and an insider regarding my topic, my passion, and my calling. Survivors or insiders have lived the experience the expert's study. Survivors have insights that the experts don't. They bring forward neglected perspectives and a reality check on the experts' take.

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