The Expert Not So Much


Do you ever feel like an imposter?

Lately, I've been suffering from Imposter Syndrome. Specifically. I tend to use education or books as an excuse. If you aren't familiar with the term Imposter Syndrome it is the feeling that you may be a fake or a fraud. It is also the feeling that your success is by sheer luck and not by effort. This concept ties into self-doubt.

We have doubts about ourselves - that we aren't smart enough, strong enough, or good enough to do what we genuinely want to do which is to achieve a higher purpose in life or to succeed in life. I personally want to make a difference in this world. Those who know me well, know that I am a strong advocate for the mental health and wellbeing of frontline workers. I have read an endless amount of self-help books on topics such as this one and self-efficacy, purpose anxiety, mental health, bravery, taming your inner gremlins, and many many more. I read and read because I don't feel good enough or smart enough when it comes to helping people around me with their mental health and wellbeing. I even went as far as pursuing my Master's of Psychology to become a Registered Psychotherapist. AND in the meantime, while I'm in my graduate studies, I am a professional Life and Wellness Coach who has specialized in Mental Health and Nutrition.

Now, this is not my resume, but it is to show that even those who have the knowledge and education to back up what they preach still have a ton of self-doubt. Being an expert in something you are passionate about does not require you to have the credentials or education necessary to back it up. YOU ARE ALL LIFE EXPERTS in your fields of passion, just as I am. Give yourself that praise! Give yourself the small and big wins when you accomplish even the smallest of tasks. AND if you don't succeed praise yourself anyways for showing up and trying!

As nurses, you already have an inordinate amount of knowledge, skill, experience, and education. AND life experience to call yourself a PROFESSIONAL. You are all counsellors (even the CNO has a section for Nurse Psychotherapists without the Registration component), Medical Experts, Epidemiologist, Pharmacists, Leaders/Charge Nurses, and Mentors, just to name a few. You are all GOOD ENOUGH. You should all be proud of yourselves for how far you have come and be excited for the road ahead of you.

Don't let anyone or anything in regular clothes or who has their own office ever make you feel like you are not good enough or smart enough; when in fact you are AMAZING! YOU ARE SO MUCH SMARTER, STRONGER, AND EQUAL if not BETTER THAN THEM.

Love you all And don't ever give up hope on yourself and those around you.


Navigating Support: Understanding the Differences Between Therapists, Life Coaches, and Counsellors


Embrace the Past