Running From Your Stories

Annie sits in sunglasses in front of red door of brick building

The Science Behind Self-Doubt

I have been dealing with some serious self-doubt lately. Which really had me thinking about the stories we tell ourselves. You know, the stories in our heads? The stories that we can only hear? Well here is what I cam up with while doing my research. It might require strength to let go of some mental scenarios, even if they cause heartache and pain. However, our readiness to do so will be proportional to our sense of freedom and comfort. So frequently in life, we grow so tired to our mental narratives that they practically become who we are. We adopt them and make them a part of our identity. Unfortunately, far too frequently, such stories aren't always positive. They are not the ones that make us feel happier or more at ease in our daily lives. We all have stories that are either critical of others or extremely critical of ourselves. So we end up telling ourselves that we're not good enough, or that we'll only be happy or good enough when we're in another place, at another time, with another person, or whatever. So learning to let go of those stories, whatever they are, gives us a sense of freedom not just in our minds, but also in our relationships, jobs, and in our lives. #bekindtoyourmind


Celebrate Failure


Well I Did It!