The Something AMazing Blog
Embrace the Past
There is a past version of you that is so proud of how far you have come.
We're always talking about how we should "be present" and live in the moment. We punish ourselves for looking back or forward, thinking that we shouldn't gaze too far ahead or be concerned about what's to come, and that we shouldn't get too caught up in events that have already occurred. We want to concentrate on being the best people we can be right now. We frequently forget, though, that it is possible to look back on our history with love, not wallowing in it, but appreciating it.
Well I Did It!
However, during the Co-Active training, I had my own “A-HA” moment! I realized that I could actually be a Wellness Life Coach and help individuals like myself. I fell in love with it right away. I was able to bring my professional skills to the table and felt confident that I could truly assist those in need.